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RV road trip: Canada to Alaska

RV road trip: Canada to Alaska

Your Canada to Alaska road trip will be one of the biggest adventures you’ve ever undertaken. That’s why it’s a good idea to be prepared. After all, until a few decades ago, this was the kind of trip one only undertook in convoy. Nowadays, you can dive the Alcan highway from BC to Delta junction on paved roads – something no-one was able to do before 1990 – but it’s still a long road. Your journey covers 1390 miles if you take it all the way.

Plan your trip carefully

Whatever happens, you won’t want to be in a hurry. Decide on a few stops along the route – not only for overnighting, but also to pause and enjoy your surroundings for a day or two. Drive-time takes about a week – add lots of time onto that. After all, you’d like to get some fishing in wouldn’t you? The most popular time for taking this trip is from June to August. Be aware that winter trips will take extra preparation and will take longer.

Get your RV ready for adventure

First and foremost, ensure that your tires are in good condition – and don’t forget to check your spare tire too! An extra spare can save you from that awful ‘I’ve got two flats’ moment. Don’t worry about where you’ll stow it, a tire carrier under your RV is easy enough to install. Winter trips will require snow tires and/or chains.

Plan your stops

Make sure you have a good Road Atlas for your trip, and use it ahead of time to plan overnight stops and gas stops. This said, it’s best to have a spare day or two in your schedule that allows you to be flexible and relaxed.

Pack everything you’ll need

Apart from all the standard equipment you’d take along on any trip, consider getting a GPS – you might just make some detours, and a good GPS can help you find the road again. Some roadside emergency equipment is also a wise choice – speaking of which, a folding shovel will really be a boon if you get stuck. Whatever you do, don’t forget your camera, and get a travel journal to help preserve those memories. Make sure that you’ve got an outdoor cookery option too. After all, you’re here to enjoy the outdoors as much as you can! Insects can be pesky, especially in summer. So arm yourself and make sure you’ve got some repellent too.

Take your time

Apart from the fact that you won’t have time to enjoy the scenery and spot wildlife if you’re in a rush, the road, though tarred, can be rough in places. Watch out for frost heaves where the road has been broken up by the weather and might as well be gravel for all the traction and smoothness you’ll get! If you’re going in winter, it will be positively dangerous to travel at speed, so take it easy as you go and enjoy the ride!

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