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How to Maximise Space when RV Camping with Kids

How to Maximise Space when RV Camping with Kids

RV camping with kids can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience, but it can also present some unique challenges. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to maximise space in your RV so that everyone has enough room to move around comfortably. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for making the most of your RV space when camping with kids.

Choose the Right RV

The first step to maximising space in your RV is to choose the right RV in the first place. When you're RV shopping, look for models with layouts that suit your family's needs. Consider factors like the number of beds, the size of the bathroom, and the amount of storage space available. If you have younger children, you may want to look for RVs with bunk beds or convertible dinettes that can be turned into beds at night. If you have older children, you may prefer an RV with separate sleeping quarters.

Obviously, in many cases, the budget you have available is going to dictate what RV you can afford. But, there are always deals you can find and take advantage of. And there are other creative things you can do.

Keep it Minimal

When it comes to RV camping with kids, less is more. The more items you bring with you, the more cluttered your RV will feel, and the less space you'll have to move around. Before you set out on your trip, take some time to declutter and streamline your belongings. Pack only the essentials and leave anything that isn't absolutely necessary behind.

The normal approach people have is to bring as much as possible since they believe this will make it much easier to keep the kids entertained. This is not actually the case. In reality, most children and even teenagers prefer specific items when on a trip. With this in mind, it is better to discuss what to bring along with the entire family so you can easily determine what will be used and what not. Imposing limits will surely help.

Use Vertical Space

One of the best ways to maximise space in your RV is to make use of vertical space, which is something few owners even think about. Install shelves or hanging baskets on the walls to store clothing, toys, and other items. Use over-the-door organisers to keep shoes, hats, and other accessories neatly organised. You can also hang hooks on the walls to store towels, jackets, and other items. Several organizational items are available for you but you have to choose based on how much space you have available in your RV.

Get Creative with Storage

In addition to using vertical space, you can also get creative with storage solutions. Look for furniture that doubles as storage, such as ottomans with built-in storage compartments. Use under-bed storage containers to store extra bedding, clothing, and other items. You can also use storage bins to keep toys, games, and other items organised. Many of the smaller furniture items that help with organization inside your home can be used inside RVs.

Use Foldable Furniture

Another great way to maximise space in your RV is to use foldable furniture and convenient outdoor chairs like foldable director’s chairs. Look for folding tables and chairs that can be easily stored when not in use. Consider purchasing a foldable highchair for younger children, or a portable booster seat for older kids. These items can be tucked away when you're not using them, freeing up valuable floor space.

Take Advantage of Outdoor Space

Finally, don't forget to take advantage of outdoor space when RV camping with kids. Set up a picnic table or outdoor seating area under a gazebo outside your RV to give everyone a little extra room to move around. Encourage your kids to play outside and explore their surroundings, allowing them to burn off energy and enjoy the great outdoors.

RV camping with kids can be an amazing experience, but it does require some careful planning and organization. Most families simply pack everything they can, without thinking ahead. This is a mistake. Take all the time that you need to properly plan your RV getaway with children. As already highlighted, the most important part of the entire process is discussing with every single person that will go on the trip. Camping can only be great when everyone is having fun. If this does not happen, one person being miserable can easily ruin the entire experience for others. 

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