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How to Choose the Right RV Stabilizer Jack Online?

How to Choose the Right RV Stabilizer Jack Online?

RV enthusiasts consider RV their little home on wheels however, sometimes this little home isn't as stable as your home on the ground is. A stabilizing jack is one of such RV accessories that help prevent your RV from swaying while you're walking around and also leveling it up. It does so by establishing a stronger connection between your vehicle and the ground. 

In almost all kinds of RVs, ranging from small campers to giant motorhomes Some type of RV  stabilizer jack is required. The number of stabilizer jacks that you need can vary from two to four to six. Usually, they are placed at each corner of the RV. This makes it an integral part of RVing. 

Types of RV Stabilizer Jack For Sales

Before you know how to choose the best RV stabilizer for you, it is necessary to see the most common types of RV stabilizers out there and what their unique features are. 

1. Scissors RV Stabilizer Jack

These are the most common RV stabilizer jacks that you may have seen in 5th wheel or travel trailers. They can manually be adjusted using a drill. Usually, people prefer these jacks because they are inexpensive and are easy to install. 

2. Electric RV Stabilizer Jack

As the name suggests, RV electric stabilizer runs off of your RV 12-volt battery system and starts working at a button push.  These are known for the fact that they are pretty strong and make stabilizing a lot easier.

3. Hydraulic RV Stabilizer Jack

Hydraulic jacks are excellent options for large RVs such as toy haulers and fifth wheels. They can carry huge weight by activating the hydraulic fluid and putting pressure on the hydraulic system.

4. Tripod RV Stabilizer Jack

These stabilizer jacks provide additional support and contact point to the vehicle thus overcoming the issue of excessive vehicle shaking. These tripods are adjusted under the fifth wheel to help with extra weight. 

You can also consider stack jacks or leveling blocks if you think they can better handle your leveling problem. 

How to Choose The Right RV Stabilizer Jack?

Now the most important part, is how do you know which RV stabilizer will work for you and how to choose one. This is because if you make a wrong investment, it would merely be a problem rather than a benefit. 

A few questions that you must keep in mind before choosing an RV stabilizer jack are as follows:

1. Stabilizer Jack’s Weight Carrying Capacity?

Choosing a weight stabilizer primarily depends on how much weight capacity it has and compares it with how much weight you want to lift or support with this jack.  Your vehicle owner's manual can help you determine the rig's weight. But here, don't make the mistake of ignoring the weight you are carrying inside. This weight has to be added up to calculate the total weight. This is because not every stabilizer is for every vehicle. Some stabilizers have the ability to support trailers upto 4000 pounds but for heavier fifth wheels or class A motorhomes, these stabilizers may not be of any use. 

Also, make sure that you never use a stabilizer jack for weights heavier than its capacity since it not only causes wear and tear to the equipment itself but can also damage the rest of the jacks and the vehicle parts.

2. Stabilizer Jacks Design

Designs matter a lot not only in terms of appearance but sometimes for improving the functionality too. This is true in the case of RV stabilizer jacks. You should go for a jack design that doesn't need much assistance from other devices to function. 

3. Stabilizer Jack’s Material and Built

Make sure that you choose a quality and material that is considered solid such as something made up of steel, stainless steel, or other sturdy materials or metals. Because the function of the jack is such that it has to provide support, its own build matters a lot. One thing that can even increase a bit of product lifespan is coating. 

A weaker or low-quality thing can never support a longer time period rather it may put your vehicle in danger.  Usually, the brands are relied upon since they do not take the risk of compromising on quality.

4. An RV Stabilizer must be Easy to Use

RV stabilizer jacks should be easy to use and or else you will get frustrated. It's good to seek opinions from fellow RVers who are driving similar RVs. You can also read customer reviews if you are already considering them. Some online RVing platforms are also good to answer your questions.

5. Look for Leveling Feature in RV Stabilizer Jacks

The most useful RV stabilizer jacks are the ones that along with their lifting or supporting ability, help in leveling. In this case, you won't have to find another accessory that helps you level your camper and ensure your comfortable sleep during the night. This feature may cost you a bit more but it's worth the investment.

6. The Frequency of Using RV Stabilizer Jack

Anything that is used more, it's prone to wear and tear. Saving a frequently used product from early depreciation is to invest in a more durable and long-lasting product. If you know that you camp more often and need an RV stabilizer jack, then, in this case, you should save some extra investment in a quality item with a durable design. 

Best RV Stabilizer Jack?

The definition of best is vested in what serves your needs the most and what can handle the type of rig you have. For some, a manual and easy-to-use scissor jack may suffice but others may need an electrically operated stabilizer jack. Whatever type that suits you is available by most reliable brands. You can choose one after reading customer reviews for your peace of mind. We have randomly chosen some best RV stabilizer jacks.

  1. Electric Stabilizer Jack by Lippert

  2. Ea-Z-Lift Scissor Jacks by Camco

  3. Rvpro 20" Scissor Jacks-1

  4. Scissors Jacks - 28In Bx/2 BY Husky Towing

  5. King Pin Tripod Stabilizer Jack

  6. Hydraulic Jacks Carton Of 2 White by Rieco-Titan

Where to Buy RV Stabilizing Jacks and Parts?

Any RV part store is a good place to visit and find an RV stabilizer jack that you want. Usually, these stores have a collection of different types of RV stabilizing jacks with varying weight capacities. They also carry a collection from most of the brands. However, things have become much more simple and easy now. You can buy a top-quality RV stabilizing jack from any brand sitting in the comfort of your home and ordering online. The only thing that matters is that you choose the right online platform that deals in most RV parts and accessories. These platforms carry almost anything that you need during RVing with suitable shipping and replacement policies. 


RV stabilizing jack is one of your essential tools for a comfortable and trouble-free RV experience. This device helps you control unnecessary movement or swaying of your rig at the time when your rig is parked. To know which RV stabilizer serves your needs the best, it is necessary to look at some of the factors mentioned above before making any purchase.

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